In a process similar to the Reiki initiation (where a Reiki Master attunes students to the universal Reiki energy by opening their energetic channels and aligning them to this healing frequency) Mantak Chia helps the participants in the workshops to connect with the Violet Light and the Primordial Sound, which are higher frequencies of energy and consciousness that carry wisdom, higher dimensional knowledge, and healing beyond space and time.
During the 2 days Basic Tao workshop Master Chia directs this illuminating light toward each student, one by one, so all participants are personally introduced to the universal light. Participants in Mantak Chia’s workshops often describe physical sensations — warmth, tingling, or vibration — alongside emotional and energetic shifts.
Whether you are new to energy work or an experienced practitioner, Mantak Chia’s workshops offer a unique opportunity to experience the direct transmission of Qi and connection to the Violet Light and the Primordial Sound.
For a deeper understanding of the cosmic violet light, you can
check this website. Also you might find this discussion with Master Mantak Chia insightful: